
Celebrating India's 75th Years of Independence

Insurrection in Chota Nagpur, 1832.

Certified copy of the letter dated 27th August 1857 from E.A. Samuells Commissioner of Patna to the Secretary, Government of Bengal describing the activities of Haidar Ali Khan

Certified copy of the Electric Telegram dated 1st September 1857 from the Secretary to the Government of Bengal to the Commissioner of Patna conveying the news of the arrest of Haidar Ali Khan a noted fighter.

Certified copy of the letter dated 6th September, 1857 E.A. Samuels, Commissioner of Patna, to the Secretary, Government of Bengal, detailing the achievements of the British troops at different places in Bihar.

Mutiny register from 5th August 1857 to 15th September 1858,Chotanagpur

Certified copy of the letter dated 22nd August 1857, from E.A. Samuells, Commissioner of Patna to the Secretary to the Government of Bengal, describing the disturbances around Chapra and Siwan.

Order dated 22nd June 1857 sentencing Narain Singh Faqir, Jowala Singh and Ramdas to six months imprisonment for the instigating the Royal Troops.

Order dated 13th July 1857 sentencing to death Ghaseeta, Kalloo Khan and Paighambar Baksh with notice in urdu and the certificate confirming their being hanged.

Order dated 6th August 1857 sentencing to death Awsaf Hussain and Cheddi Gowala with notice in urdu and the certificate confirming thier being hanged.

Certified copy of the letter dated 20th August 1857 from E.A. Samuells Commissioner of Patna to the Secretary, Government of Bengal relating to the movement of Babu Kuer Singh in the neighbourhood of Sasaram.

Letter dated 26th august 1857from the officiating magistrate of Shahabad regarding police establishment.

Letter dated 14th October 1857 E.A. Sammuels, Commissioner of Patna to the Secretary, Government of Bengal describing the outbreak of the disturbance at Deoghar in Santhal Pargana.

Certified copy of the letter dated 21st June 1857 from the Magistrate of Saran to the Secretary, Government of Bengal, relating to the preservation of peace in the said district.

Certified copy of the letter dated 2nd October 1857 from William Tayler to the Secretary, Government of Bengal reporting the State of Affairs in Patna division.

Statement showing the number of persons apprehended and punished under act 14 of 1857 in the Sassaram Sub division.

Letter dated 9th December 1857 from the Civil and Sessions Judge describing the trials of Ghaseeta, Paighambar Baksh, Kalloo Khan proceeding their being committed to the Special Court for final prosecution and punishment.

Genealogical table of the Rajas of Doomraon, Buxar and Babu Kunwar Singh showing their family relations.

Letter to Commissioner of Patna regarding the state of feeling among the people of Bihar.

List of papers connected with the case of the government plaintiff versus Peer Ali Khan and others defendants on the charge of a revolt against government.

Correspondence related to a body of the rebels under Umar Singh.

Letter dated(illegible) from H.C. Wakes Magistrate of Shahabad to William Taylor ,Commissioner of Patna giving the narrative of the defence and rescue of Englishmen at Arrah on the break of the great revolt of 1857.

List of rebels arrested and placed on trial (1857 Revolt) 1st, 2nd, 4th case.

Letter April, 1858 describing the death of Babu Kunwar Singh

Regarding disarming the population of the Shahabad District, 3rd June 1858.

Letter no. 297 of 1858 from the Collector of Shahabad to the Commissioner of Patna Division relating to the estates of Babu Kunwar Singh and Amar Singh with an interesting history of the origin of Dumraon Raj; Raja Buxar and Jagdishpur family.

Letter dated 4th July, 1858, regarding the summary settlement of the estates belonging to Babu Kunwar Singh of Jagdishpur (Arrah) of 1857 fame.

Certified copy of the letter dated 22nd April, 1858 from the Commissioner of Patna to the Secretary, Government of Bengl, describing the movement of Babu Kunwar Singh in the districts of Azamgarh, Ballia and Gorakhpur.

Correspondence regarding rebels (1857-1858).

Return to Behar of a portion of the rebels who escaped from that district into Palamau.

Wrong impression of a passage in a despatch of Brigadier Douglas's leading to an interview with the rebel leaders near Jagudishpore.

Pardon extended to Bikram Sing, Rajpoot for his past misconduct under the Royal Amnesty.

Statement of cases tried under Act 16 of 1857 during the month of January 1859 in the Dts. Behar, Burdwan etc.

Arrangements made by the Toogood, Offg. Magistrate of Monghyr, for the protectionof his district.

Complaint against the seizure of certain estates belonging to Mussamut Budlun, mother of the rebel Ally Kurreem of Mouza Doomree, by the govt. officers.

Registers of rebels & mutineers admitted to pardon in the Patna Division.

Tranquility established after having the rebels been dispersed office in Palamau & Chota Nagpur.

Arrangements made to counteract a party of rebels who had entered the Monghyr district.

Services rendered by the corps of Captain Rattray for the defence of Behar during the late disturbances of the rebels.

Approval of stringent measures for disarming the Shahabad district.

Pursuit of a party of rebels who appeared near the Futtehpore Thannah in Behar, by Mr. Grey.

Chotanagpur Records Correspondence relating to the year 1859 to 1868 regarding mutiny.

Report from Deo Nauth Singh on a party of rebel sepoys who crossed over into Shahabad .

Steps to be taken to induce the sepoys still in rebellion to return at once to their homes.

Forwarding reports from the Senior Assistant Commissioner of Lohurdugga relative to the affairs in Palamau.

Petition from Puriag Doobey and Buldeo Doobey prisoners praying for pardon under the amnesty.

Proceedings of Captain Davies in Palamaw and the temporary thanna establishment fined by him for the charge of the estate of the suspects Bhya Koomar Sae.

Statement of operations under Act XVII for the week ending 25th December 1858.

Conveyance of thanks to Captain Davies and Nation & Lieutenant Graham for the subjugation of the mutineers in Palamaw brought about them.

Report from the Commissioner of Patna of the extent of the Jugdispore jungle cut by Mr. A. Burrows and the Lg's sanction to the payment to him of Rs. 37,995-14-3 on the above account.

Report on the state of the police in the Patna Division during 1859.

Report from the Offg. Commissioner of Sumbulpore of the surrender of the rebel zemindar, Lal Sah of Tahnoot.

Arrest of Punjab Sing, a Sirdar of Rewah supposing to be a rebel leader in the late mutiny.

Report by the Commissioner of Patna of the circumstances under which the prosecution of the rebel Allee Kureem was dropped and the prisoner discharged.

Report on the occurrence of a serious disturbances at the village of Beerat in Shahabad.

Approval of the proceedings of the Commissioner of Patna relative to the grant of a Jagheer to Shah Kubeerooddeen Ahmed of Sassaram on account of his services to govt. during the mutiny.

Confiscated estate of Patna Wahabi conspirator.

Letter from the Governor General-in-Council appreciating the services rendered by Colonel Dalton during the Keonjhar disturbances in 1868.

Petiton (undated) of Mussummat Koolsoom inhabitant of Mahulla Alumgunge in the city of Patna wife of Mahomed Bakur a prisoner.

Copies of letters, from the Revenue L.O. Skrefsrud and Mr. A. Campbell on the religious movement amongst the Santhals, forwarded to the Commissioner of the Bhagulpore and Chota Nagpur Division, for distribution in their districts.

Arrest of Birsu Munda a fanatic, whose conduct caused some excitement in the southern part of the Lohardaga district, bordering on Singhbhum.

Capture of Birsa Munda of Ranchi district.

Report from the S.B. (C.I.D.) during August 1912 to December 1912

Addition to the C.I.D. Cadre of B&O of 1 Inspector &/Sub-Inspector to watch certain places & persons for political reasons.

Political situation in Bengal for the month of March 1912.

Association of teacher and pupils with political movements (Congress at Patna) in 1912.

Policy to be adopted political agitators visiting the province of Bihar and Orissa.

Reports from the Special Branch (C.I.D.) during January 1913.

Action taken in respect of objectionable articles appearing in the vernacular news paper Mushahir-I Bihar published at Patna.

Reports on Patna Akhbar etc.

Bihari Student Association.

Proposed appointment of Mr. H.R. James as Principal of the Patna College.

Beharee Students Conference.

1. Professor Kamakhya Nath Mitra Professor of the Bihar National College. 2. His discharge from the college for mixing in politics.

Delivery at schools and colleges of correspondence addresses to scholars and students.

Objectionable translation paper in Sanskrit for the matriculation exam of 1912 Pandit Ramavatar Sharma, Professor Sanskrit in the Patna College and Dr.Thibant.

Satya Dev Sanyasi.

1. Objectionable Articles in the Newspaper Al-Hilal published at Calcutta.

Correspondences between the India and Foreign officer regarding Mr. Mazhar-ul-Haq's connection with the Newspaper 'Jehan-i-Islam'.

Correspondence between Sir I.H. Duboulay P.S. to H.E. The Viceroy and Maulvi Mohamed Abdul Bari Society named Anjuman-i-Khuddam-Ka'ba

Singing of popular song "Amar Desh" at the meeting of the Bijaya-a-Saumilani held at the high school Deoghar 29th Sept 1914.

Forfeiture by the C.P. Govt. of the weekly journal comrade of the 26th September 1914 under the Press Act, 1910.

1. Varnacular Newspaper "Fauji Akhbar" published weekly by Messrs Rai Sahib Gulab Singh & Sons. 2. Purchase of Hindi, Urdu and Gurumukhi versions for supply to the military police and schools in Bihar and Orissa.

Fortnightly Reports to the Government of India on the internal political situation.

Movements of Satya Devi Sanyasi.

Fortnightly Reports to the Government of India for the period January to June 1915.

List of publications proscribed under Section 12 of the Indian Press Act, 1910 (1 of 1910) corrected upto the 31st December 1914.

German-Indian Revolutionary Scheme.

History Sheet of Mr. Mazhur-ul-Haque Barrister-at-Law Bankipore.

Bankim Chandra Mittra (Raja Bazar Bomb Case, Calcutta).

List of Political and Religious Societies in Bihar and Orissa.

Objectionable articles in Bihar Bandhu.

Proscription of a Pamphlet in Urdu entitled "Albalagh" or "The Message" by Maulvi Syed Suleman Ashraf of Bihar, under the Press Act I of 1910.

Distribution of a sedition leaflet entitled "Liberty Arise Awake and Shop and till the goal is reached" in Patna.

1.History sheet of Tulsi Singh son of Bhagwan Dutt Singh. 2. His removal from the post of Tutor & Guardian to the minor son of the late Rai Sahib Kishen Bux Rai whose estate in Palamau is under Govt. management.

Action taken regarding an article entitled "Spritual pronciples of national doctrines" published in the Satyayuga a magazine printed and published by Purushottam Narayan Nande at the Ratnakar Press, Muzaffarpur which was of the nature described in Sec. 4(1) of the Indian Press Act, 1910/

Report that Baboo Nirode Kanta Sen, Probationary Sub. Dy. Collector was in the list of political suspects.

List of probscribed publications.

Quarterly Reports of the Director of Public Instruction regarding political incidents in schools and colleges in the province from August 1914 to Dec. 1916.

Instructions to Commissioner as to the procedure to be followed when dangerous agitators, whose names are included in the list of political suspects, visit a district.

Proposed action under the Defence of India Rules Regln. IV of 1818 against certain pan-islamists

Expulsion of Prabhu Dayal Marwari from Bengal under Rule 3(a) of Defence of India (consolidation) Rules 1915.

Champaran Factory Affairs.

Report from Mr. Ryland regarding the arrest of Bhagwan Das of Dinapore and Bhagat Sae of Muzaffarpur in connection with the gun running conspiracy.

Extracts from the "Express" dated the 5th January 1916 of an address delivered by Mr. Mazhur-ul-Haque.

Proposal to confiscate two books named Jivan Yagna and Swavlamban in Hindi printed and published by the Bihar Angel Press, Bhagalpur as they have been found to contain certain objectionable passages.

Report from the Criminal Investigation Department of the possibility of secret messages being conveyed to prisoners ad political suspect by the lotting or marking of letters and so forming a code.

Report from the Criminal Investigation Department regarding the arrest of Atul Chandra Mazumdar son of the late Tarak Chandra Mazumdar of village Muhammadpur districct Jessore as he was implicated his confesion by Raghubir Singh the accused in Bankipore Sedition Case.

Proscription of an English leafltet articles "Indian National Defence Camp" under the Press Act by the Govt. of Bihar & Orissa.

Govt. of India Notification No. 3023, dated 13-5-16 prohibiting the bringing into British Indian any copy of a publication entitled "Gadhr di Gunj" No. 2 (Echo of mutiny no.2) issued by the "Hindustani Gadhr Press" Sans Francisco in Gurumukhi.

Article entitled "Insluting Sikh Gurus" which appeared in the April issue of the Modern Review written by one Jadu Nath Sarkar, criticised by the Loyal Gazette (Lahore) and reviewed in the selections from indian newspaper in the Punjab.

Extracts from the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Crime and Railways note as the political situation in the province regarding the Santal Parganas as the most important Wahabi centre in the province.

Suggestion for the removal or internment of one Durga Das Banarji of 2/3 Dewan's Lane Calcutta who is working at the Tata Iron Works Sakchi by the D.I.G. Crime.

Protest meeting

Note on the leader of the Bettiah disturbances in 1908.

Silk Letter Case-Dr. Sadr-ud-Din and his connection with the Afghanistan Conspiracy.

Report of the arrest of one Haradhan Ghatak, son of Bacha Ramand his being made over to the Calcutta Police.

Eviction of political support Bairagi Tripati of Patiagora P.O. Chandaka Puri from Bengal and his internment at Chowligunj, Cuttack under the Defence of India Rules.

Bihar National College connections.

Arrest of Adalat Khan son of Nazar Khan of Raghupur, P.S. Garka, Saran at Peshawar under 12A of the Defence of India Rules. His transfer to and internment under Defence of India Rules at Raghupur P.S. Garka, Saran District.

Report from the Criminal Investigation that one Manindra Nath Basu No. 10 on the list of suspects is the only source of real trouble left at Deoghar.

Enquiries regarding Syed Muhammad Fazlur Rahman a 2nd year student of the Patna College, Bankipore who took part in the recent strike.

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